
Sitting Long Hours Causes Health-Related Diseases

According to Dr. James Levine, researchers have correlated bad sitting habits to serious illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases.

In another case study, adults who sit for 4 hours a day had an 80 per cent chance of getting cardiovascular diseases as compared to adults who spend less than 2 hours a day sitting. This risk was independent from other factors such as smoking, unhealthy eating and working habits.

With any extended sitting - whether in a desk (for most bloggers) or behind the wheel (most bus and truck drivers) raises the risk of getting cardiovascular problems for any individual. Worse than that, even working your body to an exercise regimen doesn't significantly falter the risk of getting the disease.

On another similar case study, sitting too long also increased the risk of cancer. Prolonged sitting time proved to be associated with 49,000 cases of breast cancer, 43,000 cases of colon cancer, 37,200 cases of lung cancer,  30,600 cases of prostate cancer, 12,00 cases of endometrial cancer and 1,800 cases of ovarian cancer.

On another study, women who sat for more than 7 hours at a time are more exposed to type 2 diabetes.

The solution to the problem doesn't mean more gym hours but only needs to be less sitting and more moving. When you move, your body muscles contract thus more excess fat and sugar are burned. When you sit down, muscle contractions stop and these processes are stalled.

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  1. I think, this is correct since when sitting some blood circulations halted!

    1. Not necessarily the circulation "halted". Sitting at an extended period of time causes your blood flow to slow down. This gives cholesterol a good time to deposit in your blood vessels and also your immunity to relax since there is no physical stress in your body. And with cholesterol sitting around your vessels and/or heart, there's always a higher risk of developing hypertension, aneurysm, and other cardiovascular diseases.
